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Board Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

Information regarding the next Board meeting is posted below. The Agenda will be posted soon.

All meeting dates are tentative and subject to change. Please check this website for updates.

​Note: Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the Board, typically at the next regular board meeting.

Cherry Creek Vista Park and Recreation District​

Do you have a Citizen Item you would like to present to the Board at a Board Meeting? 
Please email us at with your request!
Please note: Citizen items are given 3 minutes per item.

Regular Meeting Dates, Time, and Location, and designated locations for Place of Posting 24-hour Notices
January 2025

The Board determines to hold regular meetings at 5:30 P.M., at its regular location, 11350 E Orchard Road, Englewood, CO 80111 or via electronic meeting platform on the third Thursday of April, June, July, August, September and November, the second Thursday of February and March, and the fourth Thursday of January, May, and October. 

The first meeting will be held on January 23, 2025 (Thursday), and all meetings will be held online via Zoom or in person. In-person meetings will be held at:

Cherry Creek Vista Park and Recreation District
Orchard Park Community Building Meeting Room(Orchard Pool)
11350 E Orchard Road Englewood, CO 80111

Special meetings of the Board shall be held as often as the needs of the District require, upon proper notice, pursuant to Colo. Rev. Stat. 32-1-903.

Please address any questions or concerns you may have regarding District matters to:
Circuit Rider of Colorado, LLC
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 359, Littleton, CO 80160
Phone: 303-482-1002

Pursuant to §§ 32-1-903(2) and 24-6-402(2)(c)(I) & (III), C.R.S., in addition to any other means of full and timely notice, the Board shall be deemed to have given full and timely notice of a public meeting if the Board posts the notice on a public website of the District or in the designated public place within District boundaries, no less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.

JBK serves as the District’s Landscape maintenance company. If you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding landscaping, ESPECIALLY IF THERE IS AN EMERGENCY regarding water leak or snow, please call:

JBK Landscape, Inc.
Phone: 303-751-0192
1250 S. Chambers Road Aurora, CO 80017


Your Board of Directors

  • Debra Botton, President
  • Dave Mohrhaus, Vice-President
  • Doug Mohr, Treasurer
  • Jane Rieck, Secretary
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